Wednesday 25 March 2015

Focus Group: Part I

I had plans. Go into university for my feedback session with my Archaeology tutorial professor, then go to the library to write some more of my talk for Sunday.

Ambushed on the way in.

Two students were handing out leaflets inviting you to be part of a IT focus group. Well actually they drew you in with a "would you like £10 free printing credit". Um yes please. Printing costs me a fortune at university.

Oh but it's not quite free. Is anything ever?

So I'm now signed up for an hour long session this afternoon where the IT services want student feedback on OneDrive and Lync.

I know nothing about these two things, what I have gathered is that OneDrive is some microsofty version of Google Drive and Lync is instant messaging.

Commence reading of their respective wikipedia pages.

Well as they are both Microsoft they are not going to be terribly useful to me, as I have a chrome computer. Nor to anyone who has linux and maybe mac? I don't know apple sometimes have ways around things if they want to.

So somehow I can't imagine me being very for it. Especially as I already have both those things. Google Drive - which I think is better as you can use it anywhere irrespective of your operating system. And instant messaging, well that comes under google+ and hangouts so I'm covered. And again it can be used on any operating system because all you need is the INTERNET. Not windows.

However I am allowing for my naivety of the world of computers and perhaps these are both useful and much needed at university. Though I say again Google has them...for free.

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